Monday, August 21, 2006

Almost crawling

Beck is getting closer to crawling, but as the photo shows, he has a hard time getting the last leg into position. He's getting good at pulling himself while he's on his belly, and he can get up on his knees and hands, but we're just not quite to crawling.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Eat, eat, eat

We're enjoying watching Beck eat at this stage. He uses his thumb and pointer finger very delicately to pick up anything near him. A bit of cat fur on the carpet, a crumb, a veggie puff: they all make their way to the mouth. He's taken up the habit of "washing the car" with his hands, where he squeals and rotates his hands in circles. Again, we're pretty biased, but we think he's one cute little chubby boy!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Jen says my titles need to be more straightforward, so I'm calling this one "Swimmer." These pictures are of Beck swimming. He likes the water. Granted, he looks like an old man going for a soak, but we think he's the cutest thing in the pool. I'm not sure if he gets the nuances of the songs and activities from his swimming class, but he sure likes to suck on the water toys.

Finger Foods for fun

The first few introductions to finger foods didn't turn out terribly well. He grimmaced, gagged and was fairly dramatic. I think this was the second time that Jen gave him "veggie puffs", and I just missed the moment when he was gagging......... Fun stuff, but he's getting the hang of new foods. Just gave him some banana pieces this morning, which was a moderate success.

I'm sociable!

Beck finds young kids irresistably funny. Martin, the 3 year old next door, came by for a visit, and had little Beck in stitches. It's funny that an adult or an older child can make an attempt to interact / be funny with Beck, but a 3 year old can walk in circles, and Beck thinks it's the funniest thing he's seen that day. Go Beck, go!

Plumbers' Helper

It's been a very busy summer, and we've been poor about keeping the pictures / posts coming, so I woke up this morning with a mission: update the blog. This post provides info on the little guy, as well as the addition. The addition has been slow moving, due to a lot of other responsibilities, but I've been finishing up the downspouts and french drains the last few days. (Part of the process was breaking out some old cast iron pipes, and mating ABS plastic pipe to the cast iron.) Beck has been enjoying sitting in the yard watching his old man work. He smiles and shakes when I use the saw to cut pipe.......... just like his pa'.